1. Interpretation


In these Terms and Conditions (‘these Conditions’), the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Application Form: the online application form by which details of the child and the Saturday and/or Sunday sessions, any workshops,  half-term camps, school holiday camps or any other courses, camps or educational service their parents or carers wish their children to attend that are submitted to Richer Education.

Parent: Mother, father, legal guardian, legal carer and/or designated family member.

Child: a person aged 3-17 intending to attend Saturday and/or Sunday sessions, any workshops, half-term camps, school holiday camps or any other courses or educational service as specified in the booking form.

Age Bracket: is the age reference that we use to organise children in groups.

Fees: payment for the fees shown on the Richer Education website or other published literature relating to the services from time to time.The fees entitle the child to receive academic instruction in relation to the chosen course but do not cover the cost of other materials and services that the child may require, including but not limited to, certificates, textbooks, examination fees, bank charges, insurances, social activities and travel expenses.  Parents are required to purchase such of these materials and services as are required for the completion of the course.

Location: place such as classroom, seminar room, laboratory, lecture theatre, open space, campus, common area or any other appropriate space where sessions, camps and/or workshops occur.

Session: academic tuition organised by Richer Education. This might include Saturdays and/or Sundays workshops, classes, camps, private tuitions or any other educational services.

Virtual: a service delivered online such as virtual camps, remote learning, one to one tuitions or any other service or product that it not delivered in person or does not require physical presence. 

Instant download: a product or a service that can be downloaded from our website.


2. Supply of Services


By booking and paying the fee you agree on behalf of yourself and your child or children to be bound by these Conditions.


3. Payment


Payments of all fees included in the invoices may be made by any of the following methods of payment:  credit card, debit card, cash, Direct Debit, PayPal transfer and must be received in full at least 24 hours prior to the session start. Bank payments (if authorised under exceptional circumstances) must include all bank transfer charges (including intermediary bank charges). 


4. Information on child/children


4.1 Parents will be required to provide Richer Education with children’s personal information such as passport or a birth certificate or any other form of identification for age verification purposes as Richer Education reasonably requires and parents will ensure that such personal information is updated in the event of any changes. Parents permit Richer Education to store records of the child’s and parents’ personal information.

4.2 Richer Education reserves the right to take photographs and videos during our workshops, sessions, social activities such as birthday parties and/or other events and use them accordingly for promotional purposes on newspapers, magazines, websites, social media channels or any other type of marketing channel. Parents’ and children’s testimonials provided via email, letters, feedback forms and/or questionnaires may be also be used for promotional purposes on local, national  or international advertisers such as magazines, newspapers and websites including the production of brochures, leaflets, flyers or any other literature and use on our website or any social media channel. Please inform us in writing if you do not wish your child’s image to be used in this way. We will also remove images from our website and social media outlets upon request.

4.3 All photos and videos used on our website are published to show some of the past activities we have done in different locations and throughout the years. For the avoidance of doubt, 96% of the imagery published on our website belongs to Richer Education. All photos and videos belonging to Richer Education were taken during our activities, such as holiday camps, private tuitions and weekend classes. The images portray locations we hired and children who enrolled and participated in our activities. To avoid doubt, photos or videos of a science laboratory that belong to us were taken in a science laboratory we hired. By accepting these Terms and Conditions you understand that under any circumstances, any of the pictures and videos on our website or any other form of communication issued, published, posted and broadcasted by Richer Education intend to mislead any of our visitors on our website or anyone who falls within our remit. For the avoidance of doubt, all photos that we use and publish on our website are used for illustrative purposes; this also includes stock photos that we use and publish on the virtual holiday camps section of our website and brand-new face-to-face activities we offer.


5. Administration of individual sessions and workshops


5.1  If a parent or carer wishes to change the date of the session (s), appropriate requests, in writing, must be made to the Richer Education, at least 72 hours in advance, before the actual session takes place) for the transfer to be effective. All changes are subject to availability an administrative fee of £50 will apply.

5.2 Richer Education will use its reasonable endeavours to accommodate children in relation to the location and timing of classes but reserves the right to change topics, locations, tutors, mentors, times, workshops and sessions. Richer Education reserves the right to combine sessions for different courses at its convenience. Richer Education reserves the right to start a session, class, workshop, camp, or any other activity with a minimum of three children for virtual activities and a minimum of five children for face-to-face activities. For the avoidance of doubt, a minimum of five children is required to commence any type of activity run by us on face-to-face for each individual face-to-face courses. No exceptions.

5.3 Richer Education will use its reasonable endeavours to accommodate requests regarding specific seating arrangements. For example, seating children such as siblings, relatives and/or school friends next to each other within the same group. Richer Education cannot guarantee that such requests can be accommodated.

5.4 Richer Education will use its reasonable endeavours to accommodate requests with regard to children who are thought to be academically advanced and/or more knowledgeable for their current age to the next immediate upper group. Richer Education cannot guarantee that such requests can be accommodated.

5.5 Age brackets are published on our website to indicate to us how we should group children. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not open classes, camps, workshops or any other activities that are exclusive for a specific age group. In other words, when participating in any of our activities, children will be grouped primarily according to their age. For instance, the oldest children in the group will be paired with other children within the same group who are a similar age. Thereafter, we group the rest of the children from the oldest to the youngest in the same manner as described above. We apply the same approach to all age brackets. Do not place any bookings if you do not agree with the way we organise children’s groups.

5.6 For the avoidance of doubt, as described in the previous clause, we organise children according to their age. Therefore, children are expected to participate in any of our activities with another child or children of similar age. However, there will be other children in the same group/table. For example, in any same class, camp, workshop or any other activity, there will be children aged 9-11 years old and children aged 12-14 years old. Children are organised next to each other according to their age. We apply the same approach to all age brackets. Do not place any bookings if you do not agree with the way we organise children’s groups.

5.7 Parents wishing their child to take a course which requires a minimum level of English, as a pre-requisite to entry, must achieve the required level prior to admission to this course. If the child’s current level of English is insufficient for their chosen course at the time of application, the parent is advised to book the relevant classes, tuitions, weekend sessions, camps, workshop (or workshops) needed to bring their English up to the required level. We reserve the right to withdraw any child, from any course or activity if their level of English is not sufficient.

5.8 Should the parents wish to transfer their child to another course, this will be at the Richer Education’s discretion and subject to payment of the difference in fees plus a £50 administrative fee.

5.9 For the avoidance of doubt, the taster of 4 sessions, a package of 8 sessions, a block of private tuitions, Flexi-Passes (also know as PAYG) and any other services, including camps and workshops, or any other packages available are only to be booked and used per child, per subject. In other words, any of the abovementioned packages or any of our services, classes, camps, tuitions cannot be shared between siblings and friends. For example, it is not permitted to book any package of sessions and share it between two siblings or friends.

5.10 Certificates: we normally issue a ‘Certificate of Attendance’ for children who attended our face-to-face and virtual sessions. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not write reports or feedback in relation to a child’s or children’s performance during our sessions. No exceptions.

5.11 If a parent wishes Richer Education to write and produce a progress report, this will be charge at £50 per child, per subject. The report will be written and sent to the parent only at the end of the respective school term. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not film or take photos of children as part of the progress report.

5.12 No adults other than Richer Education’s staff are allowed to stay in any of the rooms and/or laboratories observing sessions or accompanying or supporting children during our sessions, camps and workshops. No exceptions.

5.13 Registration and dismissal of children will be conducted only and exclusive outside any of the venues where our sessions or any type of activities take place. Parents must produce the security code provided for both registration and dismissal of children for each child and every time children are going to attend or attended any of our sessions and activities. No exceptions.


6. Conduct and discipline of children and adults


6.1 Richer Education has the right to expel a child from any session for unacceptable behaviour, poor performance or lack of interest. No refund will be given.

6.2 In the event of expulsion, Richer Education reserves the right to withhold completion letters and/or certificates.

6.3 For the avoidance of doubt, Richer Education views unacceptable behaviour as including but not limited to, causing damage to its own property and/or, contractors’ property, causing disturbance or nuisance, abusive or disrespectful conduct, failing to observe fire and safety rules and smoking other than in authorised areas and selling or consuming alcohol or illegal drugs.

6.4 Richer Education expects children and adults to show tolerance and respect to others regardless of race, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation or any other difference.

6.5 If a child causes damage to Richer Education’s property and/or to any of its contractors, their parents must pay the full cost of repairing or replacing such. Richer Education reserves the right to produce an invoice to replace the item plus any other costs incurred. The invoice must be settled within seven days starting from the date the invoice was issued

6.6 Richer Education reserves the right to withdraw from its classes, tuitions, workshops and camps children whose parents, relatives, carers, guardians and/or legal representatives cause to its staff, children and other stakeholders. Richer Education will not tolerate disturbance, nuisance, negative or confrontational attitude, argumentative behaviour, intimidating behaviour, disrespectful conduct, threatening or verbal abuse or any other type of anti-social behaviour (this includes shouting or screaming at a member of Richer Education either over the phone or in person). Our full cancellation policy will be applied accordingly.


7. Rollover of a session, discount schemes, Flexi-Pass (PAYG) prices and prices out of packages


7.1 Rollover of sessions will only be allowed and authorised if Richer Education is notified in writing at least 72 hours before the actual session takes places. Failure to comply with this deadline will result in the full charge of the session in which the child was absent.

7.2 Parents can rollover sessions as follows:

  • Pack of 8 sessions. Up to 2 rollovers permitted
  • Taster of 4 sessions. Up to 1 rollover permitted
  • One trial session. No rollovers permitted

7.3 Being unwell will not be considered to rollover a session unless a note from a General Practitioner (GP) is produced. The GP’s note must not be older than three working days starting from the day we were notified, in writing, about the child’s absence. No exceptions.

7.4 Rollovers are not transferable and are not refundable. Any unused rollover sessions at the end of term or academic year will not be carried forward to the next immediate term or to the next academic year.

7.5 Rollovers cannot be exchanged for any cash value.

7.6 Flexi-Passes (PAYG) sessions are not eligible for rollovers.

7.7 Discounts for parents (Recommendation and Loyalty Schemes):

7.8 Sessions from a package (taster of 4 and package of 8 sessions) must be taken consecutively, except PAYG sessions.  For the avoidance of doubt, packages or PAYG fees cannot be backdated and cannot be rolled over or deferred to the next academic year. No discounts will be applied to flexi passes (PAYG) sessions, this includes but not limited to, discount codes, special promotions, sibling discounts and multiple discounts. For the avoidance of doubt, Flexi passes (PAYG) are not eligible for any type of discount. No exceptions . If for any circumstances, fees are rolled over from one academic year to the next one. Richer Education reserves the right to adjust the fee and charge the difference to the parent per subject/per child/per year before re-booking a child for their next session.  This procedure will apply to all other courses and any other activity.

7.8.1 For the avoidance of doubt, any discounts will be applied based on our published prices that are normally published on our website. Discount codes are only applicable to full packages. For example, pack 4 or 8 sessions for weekend classes or full week camps. In order words, discount codes cannot be applied to individual weekend sessions, camp days or workshops or Flexi passes (PAYG). No exceptions will be made. Any discounts will always be applied to the lowest price and on the second product or person. No exceptions.

7.9 Sibling discounts apply to siblings only. This means between brothers and sisters. For the avoidance of doubt,  the sibling discount will not be applicable to other family members or friends.

7.10 Multiple discounts apply if two or more different week-long camps are booked. This discount also applies if two or more packs of weekend classes are booked.

7.11 Referral Scheme


  • 5% discount for each parent who signs up and pays in full for at least two packs of 8 sessions within the same academic year
  • 10% discount for each parent who signs up and pays in full for at least a pack of to 16 sessions (two package of 8 sessions) within the same academic year

To validate the referral: parents who have been referred to us must indicate the name of the person who has recommended us when completing the application form, so we know who has referred them. Discounts will not be applied automatically, therefore, any parent interested in using this scheme must communicate to us their interest in applying for a discount in writing. Then, if applicable, any discount will be applied on the next purchase of eligible products.  For the avoidance of doubt, our referral scheme cannot be backdated and cannot be rolled over or deferred for the following academic year. The maximum discount allowed is up to 15%. No exceptions. 


  • 5% discount for each parent who signs up and pays in full FOR A FULL WEEK CAMP (this discount does not apply to parents/guardians who book individual days of a camp) regardless of the number of children.  For the avoidance of doubt, our referral scheme cannot be backdated and cannot be rolled over or deferred for the following academic year. The maximum discount allowed is up to 5%  despite the number of weeks or children booked in a camp. No exceptions. 

To validate the referral: parents who have been referred to us must indicate the name of the person who has recommended us when completing the application form, so we know who has referred them. Discounts will not be applied automatically, therefore, any parent interested in using this scheme must communicate to us their interest in applying for a discount in writing. Then, if applicable, any discount will be applied to the next purchase of eligible products.  For the avoidance of doubt, our referral scheme cannot be backdated and cannot be rolled over or deferred for the next academic year. No exceptions.

7.10 Loyalty Scheme


  • 5% discount for buying a second taster of 4 sessions within the same academic year only
  • 10% discount for buying a second pack of 8 sessions within the same academic year only

7.10.1 Both schemes (Referral and Loyalty schemes) can be combined. However, a maximum of 20% discount can be applied between any possible combination of courses between both schemes or any other scheme. Any of our schemes cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion or any other type of discounts such as super early bird, early bird discounts or any other promotion advertised in any marketing channel including social media. Discounts will not be applied automatically, therefore, any parent interested in using this scheme must communicate to us their interest in applying for a discount in writing. Then, if applicable, any discount will be applied on the next purchase of eligible products.  For the avoidance of doubt, our loyalty scheme cannot be backdated and cannot be rolled over or deferred for the next academic year. No exceptions will be made.

8. Cancellations and refunds

8.1 In the event of cancellation by you:

Parents shall be entitled to cancel any services booked  at any time before the start date and the amount refunded will vary according to how much notice of cancellation in advance of the start date the parent has given:

  • if the parent gives 7 or more weeks notice of cancellation, the parent will be refunded 70% of the fees
  • if the parent gives 6 weeks notice of cancellation, the payee will be refunded 60% of the fees
  • if the parent gives 5 weeks notice of cancellation, the payee will be refunded 50% of the fees
  • if the parent gives 4 weeks notice of cancellation, the payee will be refunded 40% of the fees
  • if the parent gives 3 weeks notice of cancellation, the payee will be refunded 30% of the fees
  • if the parent gives 2 weeks notice of cancellation, the payee will be refunded 10% of the fees
  • if the parent gives 1 week notice of cancellation, the payee will be refunded 5% of the fees
  • If the parent gives less than 1 week’s notice of cancellation, the payee will not be entitled to receive any refunds
  • If the parent books and cancels a session within five days after the booking was made, the payee will not be entitled to receive any refunds
  • If the parent decides to cancel and/or withdraw their child/children after the course(s) has/have started, or if the child did not turn up (no-show) for their sessions/camps/workshops or any activity or service provided, the parent will be not be entitled to receive any refunds. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not make refunds because a child or the parent did not like the activity or because a child felt bored or because the child or the adult did not like the service provided or for any similar excuse

8.2 Richer Education reserves the right to charge a flat fee of £50 per child, per week and per course to cover administrative costs for any changes made to any bookings. In case of cancellation, a flat fee of £50 will be charged in addition to the abovementioned cancellation charges as shown in 8.1.

8.3 If, for any reason, a session and/or a workshop is cancelled by Richer Education, the total liability of Richer Education will not exceed that proportion of the Fees Richer Education have actually received. We reserve the right to issue credit notes only. Go to 8.9 to see cancellations by Richer Education related to COVID-19.

8.4 Fees are non-refundable for children arriving late, leaving early or missing a day of camp, weekend classes, workshops or any other activity or event  (whether on account of illness or any other cause). Go to 8.9 to see cancellations by Richer Education related to COVID-19.

8.5 Fees are non-transferable. For example, fees cannot be transferred between siblings, relatives and/or friends.

8.6 Flexi pass (PAYG) sessions will be charged in full if Richer Education is notified about a cancellation or a change of date after 5:00 pm (GMT/BST) on the Wednesday of the week in which the session is scheduled to commence. No exceptions.

8.7 Special Sales, Special offers, e-coupons, Discount Codes and Competitions. Richer Education reserves the right to launch special sales, special offers, e-coupons, Discount codes and competitions to promote its products. Any fees paid for any course, camp, tuition, competitions, consultancy service or on any other product will not be adjusted or amended to match the price of the special sale, special offer and/or competition. Special sales, special offers, e-coupons, discount codes and any other type of promotions will not be backdated and are only valid for the specific time it has been issued for and for up to three months only. Flexi passes (PAYG) are not eligible for any type of discounts. No exceptions will be made.

8.8 Credit Notes. If a parent or carer does not wish to cancel a booking we can issue a credit note upon request. Credit notes must be used within 90 days from its date of issue.  If the credit note is not used within 90 days for weekend classes, camps or any other service we offer, the parent or carer will not be entitled to receive any refunds. No exceptions will be made. Go to 8.9 to see Credit Notes issued by Richer Education related to COVID-19.

8.9 In the case of Coronavirus (COVID-19), please see the following:


· If a child has been diagnosed with COVID-19, we will require medical evidence AND a photo of the COVID-19 test result showing the full name of the adult and showing the full name of child enrolled in the course and the date when the photo was taken. The aforementioned details must be shown in the same photo next to the COVID-19 test showing a positive result. We will issue a credit note valid for 30 days only. We will charge a £50 administrative fee. If we do not receive the administrative payment, we will apply our full cancellation policy. No exceptions

· If both parents have been diagnosed with COVID-19, we will require medical evidence AND a photo of the COVID-19 test result showing the full name of the adult and showing the full name of child enrolled in the course and the date when the photo was taken. The aforementioned details must be shown in the same photo next to the COVID-19 test showing a positive result. We will issue a credit note valid for 30 days only. We will charge a £50 administrative fee. If we do not receive the administrative payment, we will apply our full cancellation policy. No exceptions

· If either parent has been diagnosed with COVID-19, we will require medical evidence AND a photo of the COVID-19 test result showing the full name of the adult and showing the full name of child enrolled in the course and the date when the photo was taken. The aforementioned details must be shown in the same photo next to the COVID-19 test showing a positive result. We will issue a credit note valid for 30 days only. We will charge a £50 administrative fee. If we do not receive the administrative payment, we will apply our full cancellation policy. No exceptions

· If the health authority or the government of any country where we operate such as United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia requires us to suspend the activities due to COVID-19 outbreak or any other reason. We will verify this with the official authority and regulators. Once we verify and confirm the information, we will issue a credit note valid for 60 days only. We will waive the £50 administrative fee

· If the owner, landlord or premises manager of any buildings where we currently operate in the United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia requires us to suspend the activities due to the COVID-19 outbreak or any other reason. We will verify this with the official authority and regulators. Once we verify and confirm the information, we will issue a credit note valid for 60 days only. We will waive the £50 administrative fee

· If Richer Education requires to suspend any of its activities in relation to COVID-19 outbreak and its variants. we will issue a credit note valid for 90 days only. We will waive the £50 administrative fee

· if a booking is cancelled without medical evidence of being affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, we will require a photo of the COVID-19 test result showing the full name of the adult and showing the full name of child enrolled in the course and the date when the photo was taken. The aforementioned details must be shown in the same photo next to the COVID-19 test showing a positive result. We will issue a credit note valid for 15 days only. We will charge a £50 administrative fee. If we do not receive the administrative payment, we will apply our full cancellation policy. No exceptions

· For the avoidance of doubt, we will only issue credit notes for cancellations related to the COVID-19 outbreak and its variants. By making bookings over the phone, via email, WhatsApp, any social media channels or on this website and by settling an invoice or paying for your booking on our website, we shall deem that you agree to be given a credit note. No exceptions

8.10 Face-to-Face 

  • CANCELLATION BY RICHER EDUCATION: In the event of insufficient demand for the face-to-face activities, being under COVID-19 restrictive tiers imposed by the government or in case of a local or national lockdown or any other occurrence or reason, we will issue a credit note only. For example, if there are five or fewer children enrolled in the face-to-face activities, we will cancel the activity and we will offer you a similar activity, a virtual courses or class or a credit note only. We will not charge administrative fees
  • We will inform parents, on a weekly basis, if the face-to-face activities are going to be delivered by 5:00 pm (UK time) on the weekend prior to the first day of the camp. This is approximately 48 hours before commencing the first day of the activity
  • CANCELLATION BY PARENT: If a parent decides to cancel after we received their booking for a face-to-face activity, we will apply our normal cancellation policy. See clause number 8
  • For the avoidance of doubt, fees are non-refundable for children arriving late, leaving early or missing a day of camp, several days of camps or the full camp whether on account of illness or any other cause
  • We require a minimum of five children to run any face-to-face activity. If the minimum number of children is not reached, we will offer the following alternatives in this order: 1) another activity in the same week either face-to-face or virtual, 2) another camp in a different week either face-to-face or virtual or 3) a credit note. Please note that we will issue a credit note only. For the avoidance of doubt, no refunds
  • We will charge a £50 administrative fee for any changes to bookings by you
  • Individual days booked will be charged at £130 per day/per child for camps and a minimum of £110 for one-trial on weekends. Other fee levels apply depending on the activity chosen
  • For the avoidance of doubt, we will not issue a credit note if parents, carers or children refuse to adhere to COVID-19 Health & Safety guidelines. No refunds

9. Download and Streaming services and any other services online


9.1 By buying any online services or products offered by Richer Education such as Remote Learning,  pre-recorded sessions, One to One online tuition, Virtual Camps  or any other products or services delivered virtually, via online platforms, WhatsApp, Facetime, WeChat  or any other similar platform or any  downloadable product, customers agree  losing their fourteen day right to cancel also known as cooling off period applicable to distance selling regulations. For the avoidance of doubt, we will not refund or issue credit notes for any services  or products  we deliver online or virtually or any services or products deemed as downloadable or distributed electronically once it has been received by the parents.

9.2 Any customers buying any services or products that are streamed online or any downloadable products, hereby, acknowledge that before buying or booking any products they must read and understand our Terms and Conditions, particularly clause 9 and clauses 9.1 and 9.2. 

9.3 By buying any service online from Richer Education, parents and legal representatives acknowledge and agree that online sessions, tuitions, or any other online services we offer requires a child to use a laptop or a desktop with access to internet, headsets, webcams and microphones to facilitate their children an environment that is appropriate for teaching and learning.  We do not allow allow a child using two devices in the session. Children must have their cameras switched on at all times while the session is in progress. We do not permit the use of virtual backgrounds and filters during the sessions. Children who are more than 10 minutes to their session will not be admitted into the session. Thereafter, we will charge for the session as a no-show. Parents and children not adhering to these requirements will be removed from the session (s) without prior notice. No refunds. No exceptions.

9.4 To open a new virtual class, camp, session or any other type of virtual activity, we strictly require a minimum of three children who must be enrolled for the same amount of sessions during the term or several terms. We admit a maximum of ten children in our sessions. However, we reserve the right to increase the maximum number of children as required by Richer Education without prior notice.

9.5  Children not complying with the tutors, mentors or supervisors instructions will be removed from the session. No refunds will be issued. Children joining ten minutes after the session has started will not be admitted in the session. If a child or parent insist to join the session, we will proceed to remove the child from the session. No refunds will be made. No exceptions.

9.6 By buying any of our online services, parents and legal representatives acknowledge and agree that each session, tuition or any of our online services may be recorded for quality assurance purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, we record our sessions in line with our Privacy Policy and Children Safety policies. By engaging with our online services, we shall deem that we have your consent for the sessions to be recorded for training and quality assurance purposes. We do not share recordings, resources, powerpoints or any other type of resources under any circumstances. For the avoidance of doubt, if for any reason a child misses a session, Richer Education will not share any recordings or resources. It is illegal for a parent, child or any other adult to record, film, distribute or use any type of activities, resources or material from Richer Education. We reserve the right to prosecute those who may infringe Richer Education’s copyrights and intellectual property’s rights. 

9.7 Richer Education is not responsible for any internet, WiFi or any other type of technical issues experienced by children or parents at home or in any place where they intend to join a virtual activity. Parents are responsible for downloading, installing and configuring programs that children need to work in the sessions. We recommend the use of desktops or laptops only to attend our virtual sessions. For the avoidance of doubt, if a child is disconnected from the session due to any technical issues, Richer Education will not refund the session. Richer Education will not organise a catch-up session or arrange extra-time for children to catch up with the session they have missed.

10. Liability

10.1 Richer Education will not be held liable for loss, damage or injury to persons.

10.2 Richer Education will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform or delay in performance of, any of its obligations in relation to the children’s sessions, weekend classes, camps and/or workshops that is caused by events outside the Richer Education’s reasonable control (Force Majeure Events).

10.3 Force Majeure: Richer Education shall not be liable for any delay in performing or failure to perform any obligation (including to action any alteration or cancellation) due to any case beyond our reasonable control including lock-outs, strikes, shortages of personnel, labour disputes, war, riot, act of God, civil commotion, terrorism, malicious damage, threats to safety, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, environmental contamination, any virus outbreak, epidemic outbreak, pandemic outbreak of disease, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm, difficulty or increased expense in obtaining workmen, materials, goods or raw materials in connection with the performance of this agreement.

10.4 Richer Education’s obligations in relation to the children’s sessions, weekend classes, camps and/or workshops are suspended for the period that the Force Majeure event continues. Richer Education reserves the right to extend the time of the suspended period to perform its obligations. Richer Education will take reasonable steps to bring the Force Majeure Event to a close or to find a solution by which its obligations can be performed despite the Force Majeure Event.

10.5 Where Richer Education provides, in connection with the provision of the Services, any goods or equipment or services supplied by a third party, Richer Education does not give any warranty, guarantee or other terms as to their quality, fit for purpose, performance or otherwise.

10.6 Richer Education shall have no liability to the child and/or their parents for any loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation arising from any instructions supplied by parents, guardians or a legal representative which are incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate or illegible, or arising from the child’s late arrival or non-arrival, or any other fault of you or the child.

10.7 Richer Education shall not be liable to you or be deemed to be in breach of the contract by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of Richer Education’ obligations in relation to the Services, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond Richer Education’s reasonable control.

10.8 Richer Education reserve the right to alter programmes, activities, itineraries, excursions, age brackets, prices, premises and personnel as it thinks fit and without notice.

10.9 Richer Education will not be bound by any statement unless it is in writing and authorised by the Directors of Richer Education. 

11. Medical


11.1 It is parents, guardians and/or legal representatives’ responsibility to tell Richer Education, upon submission of the application form, of any issue or condition that may affect their performance during sessions, weekend classes, camps and/or workshops. These include but are not limited to ADHD, SEN, medical, languages, disabilities, diet, medical, behavioural/social issues, child’s history.

11.2 Richer Education cannot guarantee if any drinks, snacks and/or lunch brought by any child or adult to its classes or camps are free of traces of nuts and/or nut oils or may not have been made alongside other products containing nuts.

11.3 It is parents, guardians and/or legal representatives’ responsibility to tell Richer Education, upon submission of the application form, if permission is given to administer medication or if first aid is required.

11.4 Richer Education will not be held responsible for any issues resulting from food allergies.


12. Valuables and Lost and Found Items


12.1. Richer Education will not be liable for any damage or loss of items of clothing, jewellery and/or electronic devices such as laptops, smartphones, tablets or valuable property brought to the Location by children and/or their parents.

12.2. Richer Education will not be responsible for any property left at the Location (by the child or parents) and may dispose of any such property if not claimed and collected by you within thirty days after the item was found.


13. Personal Searches


13.1. Richer Education reserves the right to search the bags and other personal property of all children in appropriate circumstances.


14. Child Protection/Safeguarding


14.1. Richer Education will contact Local Safeguarding Children’s board if we suspect abuse or in an event of a disclosure.


15. General


15.1. This agreement is governed by the laws of England and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.